Centre Jacques Calvé
As the region's leading operator in medical and rehabilitation care (SMR) in the specialities of orthopaedics and neurology, our facility has a whole range of skills dedicated to patients, facilitating their return to a social, family and professional life.
6 000
m² of technical facilities
healthcare professionals
4 000
rehabilitation stays per year
the specialities
the caring hands
of centre Jacques Calvé
The excellence of the Centre Jacques Calvé is based above all on the skills and multidisciplinarity of its teams.
Drawing on a wealth of historical expertise, our healthcare professionals are inspired by "best practice" and offer patients a specialised, expert approach to their condition.
a glimpse of our technical facilities
Located by the sea, Centre Jacques Calvé is one of the largest rehabilitation centres in France, with over 6,000 m² of technical facilities. It includes balneotherapy, a movement analysis laboratory, a gymnasium, physiotherapy and occupational therapy rooms and a simulation flat.
Our technical facilities are equipped with :
A balneotherapy area: for relaxation and mobilisation sessions in heated water.
A movement analysis laboratory: for a precise assessment of your physical capacities and the development of a personalised rehabilitation programme.
A gymnasium: for muscle re-education and exercise training.
Physiotherapy and occupational therapy rooms: for individualised care tailored to your needs.
A role-playing flat: to help you relearn how to perform everyday tasks in complete safety.
How to get here
More information on how to get to our establishments by plane, train, car or ferry...
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